This synthesizer was never a commercial music success, but was very popular in academic and research facilities.
Hal Chamberlin (mentioned below) developed software to run on Apple II class computers, which would allow extensive control of the very rich possibilities of the K150. Additional sample ROMs were developed and issued for both models.Īs opposed to using 'sample-based' or 'subtractive' synthesis, the K150 (a rack-mount unit) uses additive synthesis. First issued as a very large and heavy keyboard, the electronics were also issued in a very large and heavy rackmount version, as the 250RMX (Rack Mount "Expander"-the presumed intention being that one could drive via MIDI and sequencers one or more "expanders"). This instrument was inspired by a bet between Ray Kurzweil and musician Stevie Wonder over whether a synthesizer could sound like a real piano. The sounds are good, especially if one has the Orchestral ROM (and the harder to find Classic Keys ROM).The company launched the K250 synthesizer/sampler in 1984: while limited by today's standards and quite expensive, it was considered to be the first really successful attempt to emulate the complex sound of a grand piano. While the PC3 does have more capabilities, I'm still using both the PC2 and PC2X, one at church, the other for my wife's personal keyboard. IIRC, you hit enter at the parameter and then use the arrow keys to step up and down.Īs it notes, individual zones can be Transposed inside the Zones menuing system.

I haven't used this for a while (I have a PC2 & PC3 at church, always leave the PC2 at zero, the PC3 is much simpler to transpose, having soft buttons just below the screen in the usual playing mode). In Internal Voices mode, affects any program you play on the keyboard, but not any informationĬoming in the MIDI In port.) The default value is 0 ST. Transpose function in the zone parameters affects only individual zones in a setup, or if changed This allows you to transpose the instrument globally, for all MIDI channels.

To transpose the whole instrument: Press the Global Menu button, then use the right arrow key to skip through a number of parameters until the screen says: Receive Transposition (Recv Trans) Transpose is not real simple to do (especially quickly).
I have a PC2 and PC2X, I think that the procedure is the same for the PC1 (you can download the PC1 manual in PDF from the Kurzweil web site).
can anyone help me on how to transpose on this model? What are your preferences and why? Are there members that have used both models and want to comment? Is it realistic to think that either of these two would serve well as the "only keyboard" for awhile? I have gathered from reading here that there a a few Kurzweil fans here. I actually expect to do more performance than recording at this point. Missing from the 1X is the digital audio - which might be an advantage for recording, the KB3 sounds and the ability to split the keyboard up more(.?) which may be advantageous for performance. I am sure I want a good weighted keyboard and understand the PC1X is a lighter touch than the PC2X.

Unfortunately here in North Carolina I cannot easily run out and play one as there are no dealers currently anywhere close. I am currently trying to decide on whether to pick the Kurzweil PC2X or PC1X. The Kurzweil I believe has the sounds I am looking for. I tend to do a lot of strings and horns in addition to piano & bass. (Donald Fagen aka Steely Dan is a favorite). My styles run from jazz to gospel to piano rock. I currently play a Korg M1, grand piano and a Hammond spinet at church, although at this point I do not personally own a keyboard other than the Kawai "professional upright" that sits in the living room. I cut my teeth on Fender Rhodes Pianos, the Melotron, Hammonds with Leslies, Moogs and more back in the late 70's and early 80's. Hi, I'm new to this forum but old to keyboards.